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About Our Church

Our Vision

We see SonRise Lutheran Church intensely focused on Christ’s love. We see SonRise moving into the world with the focus that only the Gospel can provide. It is a safe place focused on touching the lives of the people around us in as many ways as possible. It will be an active member in the community around it and will be a place of refuge for those that are hurting or broken. We will not just talk about the love and compassion of Christ but demonstrate it.

The SonRise that we see is a Church committed to raising, training and empowering each new generation of leaders so that they might carry on and share the gospel with a new generation of people in the world. 

We see a Church whose passionate praise and worship is a true reflection of our love for Christ and his love for us.  A Church where people are empowered, challenged, touched, delivered and forever redeemed through their encounter God’s Holy presence.

SonRise is a church where Christ is the center, and all action flows directly from His mission for us in Matthew 28(Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.) One that will continually look forward and see other churches springing from its midst. 

the Faith

  • God is one God but three persons -- Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit.

  • The Bible is God’s Word and is without error.

  • Faith is a gift from God that he gives to people through the Gospel and Holy Baptism.

  • Through God’s gift of faith in Jesus Christ, a person inherits eternal life (heaven).

  • God loves all people and wants to give them the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • God wants Christians to love others.

  • Jesus Christ wants His followers to tell all people God’s plan for salvation.

  • God hears and answers the prayers of people who have faith in Him.


We are here in this place to share the love of Christ throughout the community. In other words, we are here for you! We want you to know about what makes us tick. We want you to hear about the most important thing in our lives. We are a place devoted to sharing this with everyone of every age. We not only welcome children, but encourage children of all ages to be present and a part of our community. We have a relaxed attitude and environment. There is no dress code, come as you are! Above all, come and be part of a community that loves and cares for one another and enjoys serving their neighbor and their maker.


Lutheran Church

SonRise Lutheran Church  501 County Rd. 9. P.O Box 448, Avon, MN 56310

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